Monday, December 10, 2012

24 hours Vancouverrors - November 2012

Hey! I've got errors! They were found in the pages of 24 hours Vancouver during November 2012! Let's start! In "Monday night fun" on November 13, 2012, there was a misspelling of visited. At least I hope it was supposed to be visited, and not fisted. Then,

in "ACDC finally on iTunes" on November 20, 2012, there was a misspelling of available. Then,

in "More Paranormal" on November 22, 2012, there was a misspelling of paranormal. Then,

in "Singapore plants its roots" on November 28, 2012, there was a misspelling of museum. Then,

in "'Super drunk' Wings prospect busted in Teletubby costume" on November 28, 2012, through surely should have been thought. Click an image to enlarge it.

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